CrateHacks    Product series: Trays

CrateHacks Product series: Trays

Posted by Dominic on May 10th 2023

In this chapter, we will cover the UC01 system trays.

What is it?

The UCO1 utility crate system has custom UC trays. They are designed to perfectly fit into the UC01 crate. We have 2 types today. We have an open tray. We have a split tray. More trays are coming. The trays can be stored with the crate in a vertical or horizontal position.

Why is it?

The trays are a perfect compliment to the UC01 modular utility crate. They are perfect for tools. They install vertically, for a tool box that a person or tradesman can pack onto and out of a jobsite. They can be installed into the side of the crate, and used on a shop cart, on a shop workbench or even packed into a jobsite on a dolly. But, these trays can organize more than tools. Artists can use them. Anyone with parts and tools or instruments can use them.

The UC01 system is made even more powerful with trays. The crate, which has been used as a make-shift toolbox since the beginning of crates, is a great tool and tray solution naturally. UbeCube just made a custom, perfectly fitting tray series to do just that.

It is so easy and obvious many might think - why didn't I think of that. Agree. It's not rocket science. It's just a good solution.

Expect Crate Things!
